Rexo Group teams are grounded by integrity and honesty, they will overcome obstacles, find solu-tions and deliver exceptional results

In everything we do, we challenge our ideas of what’s possible in order to better meet the needs of our clients.

We’re committed to helping our customers by working together and we welcome new ideas and opinions, especially if they challenge our beliefs.

About Rexo Group

Our Mission

The mission of REXO GROUP Ltd Company is to be one of the world’s leading company is the field of ICT, Agriculture Business, Media and Communication Activities, Consultancy and Holdings. Using our experienced, motivated and creative staff and our sense of business, we seek to develop the most innovative and profitable business in the above mentioned fields.

REXO GROUP LTD is a Multidisciplinary firm focusing on various aspects of ICT , Agriculture , Media and Communication Activities , Consultancies in different fields , and Holdings .

Our focus is based on clients’ satisfaction together with, creating innovative and sustain-able solutions. This approach results in continued long -term client collaboration that form the cornerstone of the practice.

RREXO GROUP Ltd is customer centered firm that believes long-term customer relations are de-veloped and maintained through an inclusive and personal approach.

Our Values

  • Providing our very best service to our customers in all we do , and holding ourselves accounta-ble for outcome.
  • Staying present, connecting with transparency, integrity, Trust ,Quality , Passion and Respect.
  • Build an environment where our employees can think big, be innovative with constant Improve-ment and deliver quality service with humility.
  • Our Domains

    Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

    We are involved in delivering different services related to information technology activi-ties like Application and system development, IoT, Software as a Service, Cloud Services, Big Data & Analytics, Mobile Apps, Enterprise Solutions,E-commerce and Blockchain. We serve our clientele across the globe and deliver maximum targeted results to them.


    We are very active in Agricultural business ; farming, management, production, and marketing and exporting of agricultural commodities, such as Ginger , Pepper and Fishery Agriculture .

    Like many other actors , one of the concerns of REXO Group Ltd is food security, we are working to improve food security and build food systems that can feed everyone, every-where.

    Holdings Activities

    We are involved in activities of owning shares of other companies, besides holding stock in other companies, we conduct trade and other business activities such as intellectual property or trade secrets, that are protected from the operation company. The basic functions of Rexo holdings are to: Acquire shares in subsidiaries, receive divi-dends arising from the shareholdings, Defend itself and its subsidiaries from takeovers, Dispose of shares in subsidiaries.

    Consulting Business

    We provide expert advice and develop strategic documents in different areas such as business, education, law, governance, regulatory compliance, human resources, marketing (and public relations), ICT, finance, health care, environment, engineering, science, securi-ty (electronic or physical). We help our Clients improve performance, manage risk and build Value. We build rela-tionship by providing services based on quality and integrity.

    Media and Telecommunication activities

    We work in Media and Telecommunication industry, comprised of networks, wireless communica-tions, entertainment media and content generation, our media part includes but not limited to enter-tainment distribution, content production, and video streaming services. The telecommunication part includes but not limited to equipment, services, and wireless commu-nications

    At Rexo Group Ltd, we started to work on the future outlook of this industry that will be driven by a focus on creating business efficiencies and streamlining processes, monetization of investments in new technologies, a focus on security and privacy, and regulations pertaining to net neutrality.

    Welcome To Rexo Group

    REXO GROUP Ltd is customer centered firm that believes long -term customer relations are developed and maintained through an inclusive and personal approach.

    We value our Customers:

    Because we value our customers, we work hard to provide the excellent service they deserve. We’re not perfect but our service is better today than it was in the past; and, most importantly, we’re striving to make it even better in the future.

    We understand that customers have a choice with who they can work with. We recognize we are a partner with our customers to provide high quality products and services at a fair price.

    We focus on supplying our customer’s excellence in services and products with the highest desire to gain total customer satisfaction, confidence, and enthusiasm. We hope to build reliability, trust, and friendships through honesty and integrity to ensure healthy long-term alliances.

    We value our Employees:

    We seek to provide a professional, safe, and enjoyable work environment that supports job positive relationships, innovation and effective teamwork. We seek to inspire loyalty to our company by treating all our employees with respect, recognition, and understanding. We support a dedication to both work and family and desire that our employees find balance in a high commitment to both. We strive to have fun and enjoy our relationships with those with whom we interface

    We value our Partners:

    We seek to build strategic, long-term relationships with our partners, we all know that business rela-tionships can be really challenging there are dozens of complexities that can strain, test and stretch good partnerships to a breaking point: incoming and outgoing team members and leaders, changing economic conditions, seasonal bumps and gullies, and conflicting personalities can all contribute to the difficulties of creating and cultivating a productive partnership.

    Our business is based on long-term partnerships with partners around the world. We strive to add value in our partnerships by continuously exploring new opportunities and by working together to create mutual sustainable value.


    Call: (+250)786775778 / 785800000
    Monday-Friday (9am-5pm)


    Location: Kimihurura KG 676 ST
    house number 41, Kigali PO Box 88 Kigali - Rwanda

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